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Philosophical Investigations is one of the great works about instruction, as Stanley Cavell says, because it is a great work of instruction. It dot::s not simply tell us about instruction; it shows us instruction in action-by instructing us. But it does this in a disconcerting way; it instructs us indirectly or latently. And often it uses stories to do this.

Wittgenstein rarely states a thesis or a conclusion that he then wants us simply to approve or accept. Rather, he directs our attention to some fact or phenomenon and invites our response to it, sometimes by giving us his response to it, sometimes by leading us with questions, sometimes by telling a story that he seems to think will show us something, sometimes by simply leaving us to our own devices to make of it what we will. Sometimes he anticipates our response and criticize.s it, or elaborates it, extends it, or compares it with another. Or sometimes he leaves us pondering his example or story and moves on, expecting us to follow in good time at our own pace. Always, however, there is the teacherly guidance of our attention, and the questioning or quizzical tone that puts us on our guard and solicits our best efforts for the problem at hand.
