Content Posted in 2023
A Framework for Assessing Whether Civil Penalties Under the False Claims Act Violate the Excessive Fines Clause of the Eighth Amendment, Joel D. Hesch
All Hands on Deck: The Role of Government Employees as Qui Tam Relators, Renée Brooker and Jaclyn S. Tayabji
A Right Without a Remedy: How One Cincinnatian's Story Illustrates Terrorism Victims' Inability to Obtain Compensation Under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, Christopher T. Colloton
A Vision of the Anti-Racist Public Corporation, Steven A. Ramirez
Becoming "Audit" it Can Be: Improving Public School Funding Through a Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement for Real Property Tax, Megan E. Bowling
Breaking the Non-compete Cycle: A Legal and Economic Analysis of the FTC's Power Move, Stephen Fox
Classifying Tax Guidance According to End Users, Stephanie McMahon
Clearing the Way to Renminbi Domination: CIPS, Antitrust, and Currency Competition, Felix B. Chang
Congress's Empty Promises: The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act in the Midst of Education Crisis, Sarah Jana
Coordination of the Uniform Commercial Code and Common Law, Kenneth C. Kettering
Divide, "Two-Step," and Conquer: How Johnson & Johnson Spurred the Bankruptcy System, Patrick Maney
Education, the First Amendment, and the Constitution, Erwin Chemerinsky
Elderly or Disabled Registered Sex Offenders: Are They Experiencing Cruel and Unusual Punishment Under Ohio Sex Offender Classification and Registration Laws?, Susana Tolentino
Fixed Payment Schedules do not Foreclose Liability Under the False Claims Act, Glen McClain
Fixing Standard-Form Contracts, Shirly Levy
Freedom of Algorithmic Expression, Inyoung Cheong
Inactive Exercise & Unequal Protection: Espinoza & Carson Under the Equal Protection Clause, Griffith B. Bludworth
Inmates May Work, But Don't Tell Social Security, Stephanie McMahon
James B. Helmer, Jr.: A Legal Maverick for the False Claims Act, S. Elizabeth Malloy and Michael E. Solimine
James B. Helmer, Jr. — A Tribute, Neil V. Getnick
Leveraging Professional Identity Formation in the Doctrinal Law School Class, Louis D. Bilionis
Markets as Legal Constructions, Gregory Brazeal
Must Courts Recalibrate Tort Law Governing Firearms in Light of the Second Amendment?, Lars Noah
No Peeking: Addressing Pretextual Inspection Demands by Competitor-Affiliated Shareholders, Lin (Lynn) Bai and Sean Meyer
Pooling and Exchanging Competitively Sensitive Information Among Rivals: Absolutely Illegal Not Just Unreasonable, Peter C. Carstensen and Annkathrin Marschall
Prevention or Creation of Terrorism? The Sri Lankan Prevention of Terrorism Act, Abigail Castle
Reclaiming Safety: Participatory Research, Community Perspectives, and Possibilities for Transformation, Janet Moore
Releasing the Captives: How the National Labor Relations Board Can Correct the Anomalous Captive Audience Meeting Doctrine, Adam J. Drapcho
Remembering James B. Helmer, Jr., a Titan of False Claims Act Litigation, B. Nathaniel Garrett
School Matters, Ronna Greff Schneider
Section 230 as Civil Rights Statute, Enrique Armijo
Shareholder Inspection Rights: From Credible Basis to Rational Belief, Lin (Lynn) Bai
Stop the Games: How Broker-Dealer Gamification Affronts Antitrust, Tanner Dowdy
Taking the American Dream – A Remedy for Home Equity Theft Following the Sixth Circuit's Ruling in Harrison v. Montgomery County, Ohio, Elizabeth Black
That’s Going to Leave a Mark: The Effect of Trademark Law on Colleges and Universities, Bryn Ericksen
The Common-Law Roots of Materiality Under the False Claims Act, Noah Matthew Rich
The Eleventh Amendment and Nondiverse Suits Against States, Collin Hong
The Taxpayer Bill of Rights and the Right to Be Informed: The Positive or Negative Way You Look at It, Stephanie McMahon
Turn Up the Volume: The Connick Pickering Test as a Remedy for Quiet Quitting and the COVID-19 Pandemic’s Impact on Critical Private Employment Issues, Megan E. Bowling
U.S. Inbound Employment Tax Matters: Windfall Elimination Meets Totalization, Stephanie McMahon
Value Judgments in Judicial Reasoning, and the Instability of the Fact-Law Distinction, Stephen A. Simon
Vega v. Tekoh and the Erosion of Miranda: A Reframing of Miranda as a Procedural Due Process Requirement, Tess A. Chaffee
Voluntary Dismissals, Jurisdiction & Waiving Appellate Review, Bryan Lammon
Wading Through Troubled Waters: Inequities & Improprieties of Stream Access Laws in the American West, Alexander Johnson
We[ed] The People: How a Broader Interpretation of the Rohrabacher-Farr Amendment Effectuates the Changing Social Policy Surrounding Medical Marijuana, Tess A. Chaffee
When Life Begins: A Case Study of the Unitarian Universalism Faith and its Potential to Combat Anti-abortion Legislation, Jennifer O'Rourke
Whistleblower Protection Under the False Claims Act: Providing Former Employee Inclusion, Nathaniel Kinman