Issue Masthead
- Editor in Chief
- India K. Scarver
- Executive Editor
- Laura Thudium
- Managing Editor
- Jeremy Koenemann
- Article Editors
- Bennett Allen
- Ali Holbert
- Oscar Mitchell
- Vincent Jabour
- Alicia Visse
- Education and Outreach Editor
- Austin LaPuma
- Associate Editors
- Miranda Anandapanda
- Whitney Crim
- Zack Eckles
- Ariel Guggisberg
- Sherry Porter
- Jill Rich
- Priya Walia
- Rebecca Zimmelman
The Freedom Center Journal would like to thank Ann and Harry Santen for their continued support of the journal.
Dedication to Freedom
Emily M.S. Houh
From Freedom Narrative to Freedom Leadership Narrative
Michael E. Battle
The John W. Anderson Slave Pen
Carl B. Westmoreland
Garner Courage
Carl B. Westmoreland
The Legacy of Salmon P. Chase
Carter B. Westmoreland
Rosa Parks: 1998 Recipient
Jillian Rich
Archbishop Desmond Tutu: 2000 Recipient
Miranda Anandappat
His Holiness, The 14th Dalai Lama: 2010 Recipient
Sherry Porter