The University of Cincinnati Law Review's lineage dates back to 1927. The journal was the first to be published by an Ohio law school. The Law Review is edited and published entirely by students at the University of Cincinnati College of Law. The Law Review publishes four issues per year and also sponsors symposia focusing on current legal topics.
If you would like to submit your article for consideration in our Law Review we ask that you do so through Scholastica or a direct submission to uclrsubmissions@gmail.com.
To view the University of Cincinnati College of Law Blog or to contact us, please visit: https://uclawreview.org/.
Current Issue: Volume 93, Issue 3 (2024)
Lead Articles
Ohio's Unconstitutional Burden of Proof for Criminal New Trial Motions Based on Newly Discovered Evidence
David B. Alden and Michael P. Koslen
The Materially Affect Standard Does Not Protect Consumers from Dishonest Influencers
Kimberly Coleman
Proportionality and the Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26(B)(1): An Empirical Inquiry
Daniel Croxall and Michael Vitiello
Rethinking the Automobile Exception
Lori A. Hoetger