Of the twenty or so student articles submitted for publication each semester, only ten get selected. This number is a logistical cap based on the number of issues we publish and the amount of work we can reasonably require of the editorial team. It is not a comment on the worthiness of those articles not selected. We understand that each student has worked diligently throughout the semester to research their topic and synthesize the applicable law into an engaging finished piece. The author carries an emotional and intellectual attachment to the article, and it can be difficult to receive a “rejection.”
The articles get scored out of fifty points. The points breakdown in the following general categories: Content (up to 30 pts), including originality/relevance of topic, quality of legal research, and legal analysis. Form (up to 20 pts), including writing skills and quality of footnotes. Each article gets graded by three people: one NCE, and two out of these three e-board members: the Editor-in-Chief, the Notes & Comments Chair, and the Managing Editor. The three scores are then averaged out, and publication offers sent by the Editor-in-Chief to the top ten scorers. If your article was not selected for publication, and you feel strongly that it ought to be published, reach out to an e-board member. We can work with you to restructure your article for the blog and/or submit it for consideration at other journals.