Volume 82, Issue 2 (2018)
Mass Settlement Rivalries
Adam S. Zimmerman
Intelligence Design: An Analysis of the SEC's New Office of Market Intelligence and Its Goal of Using Big Data to Improve Securities Enforcement
Geoffrey Christopher Rapp
Private Placements: Will FINRA Sink in the Sea Change?
Jennifer J. Johnson
A Changing Mosaic in SEC Regulation and Enforcement: Broker-Dealers and Investment Advisers
Douglas M. Branson
Policing Compensatory Relief in Agency Settlements
Verity Winship
Business Record Authentication and the Confrontation Clause: State v. Hood, 135 Ohio St. 3d 137 (Ohio 2012)
Nicholas F. Caprino
Taking Matters Into Their Own Hands: Retaliatory Actions by Coworkers and the Fifth Circuit's Narrow Standard for Employer Liability
Elizabeth A. Cramer
InterDigital Communications v. ITC: Wrongly Satisfying the ITC Domestic Industry Requirement
Alex Czanik