Volume 88, Issue 3 (2020) The 30th Annual Corporate Law Center Symposium
Lead Articles
Indenture Trustee Duties: The Pre-Default Puzzle
Steven L. Schwarcz
The New Fiduciaries
Natalya Shnitser
The Oregon Stewardship Trust: A New Type of Purpose Trust that Enables Steward-Ownership of a Business
Susan N. Gary
The Rise of Business Trusts in Sustainable Neo-Innovative Economies
Lee-ford Tritt and Ryan Scott Teschner
A Theory of the Business Trust
Eric C. Chaffee
Student Notes and Comments
Please Remain Standing: Using Fed. R. Civ. P. 15(d) Supplemental Pleading to Cure Defects in Standing
Carson Miller
Who Carries the Burden of Proving Causation in an ERISA Section 409(a) Suit for Breach of Fiduciary Duty?
Edward Rivin